Lovers’bench (Booklovers’ bench)

Beppe Leardi, 2018

Beppe Leardi is a retired carpenter, writer, and in love with life. For some years, he has dedicated himself with enthusiasm to build particular benches, characterized by the opposing position of the seats. Almost by chance, Beppe discovered that two people sitting on that bench, instead of looking in two opposite directions, were enticed to look into each other’s eyes, nearly like lovers exchanging “lovers’ tenderness”. In 2018 Beppe decided to build one of these benches for the garden of the Luigi Einaudi Library, dedicating it to special lovers, the “booklovers”.

“Leggere, in fondo, non vuol dire altro che creare un piccolo giardino all’interno della nostra memoria. Ogni bel libro porta qualche elemento, un’aiuola, un viale, una panchina sulla quale riposarsi quando si è stanchi. Anno dopo anno, lettura dopo lettura, il giardino si trasforma in parco e, in questo parco, può capitare di trovarci qualcun altro”.
(Susanna Tamaro, “Cara Mathilda”)

“Reading, after all, means nothing more than creating a small garden within our memory. Every beautiful book brings some elements, a flowerbed, an avenue, a bench on which to rest when you are tired. Year after year, reading after reading, the garden turns into a park and, in this park, someone else can find us.”
(Susanna Tamaro, “Dear Mathilda”)

“Building these benches,” says Leardi, “I was enthusiastic, satisfied thinking about that my father and my grandfather could sat on one of them enjoying each other’s company.”

The Luigi Einaudi Public Library, Garden