The Dogliani
Prodotti tipici
In the region of Dogliani, the grape variety Dolcetto produces two different styles of wine, brought to a single production specification even if each style of wine has to follow its own chemical and organoleptic parameters.
The Dogliani DOCG wine represents the variety best known with the characteristics of being straightforward and fruity. The Dogliani Superiore DOCG wine is meant to enhance this variety’s lesser-known features, in particular an intense bouquet and a greater extraction, which are obtained through low grape yields and by means of a different ageing process.
Production disciplinary provides for Dogliani DOCG a minimum alcohol by volume of 12% and for Dogliani Superiore of 13% with a minimum period of aging of 12 months before been put on sale.
Dogliani DOCG and Dogliani Superiore have intensely ruby red color and possess violet highlights. The perfume has strong notes of fresh fruit and flowers with blackberry and wild cherry to the fore. The flavor is dry and harmonious with a fine and bitterish after -taste including almonds. Modest acidity lends the wine a lively note. One of classic food wines that’s best with richer starters, raw meat salad with shaved truffle , cotechino, pasta dishes served with roast meat sauce, risotto or with the “Piedmontese mixed fry” (fried meat and vegetables) another staple of the Piedmontese cuisine.