Confraternita dei Battuti

Francesco Gallo, 1742

It is a masterpiece of the Baroque architecture, as evidenced by the elegant columns inside the church, declared National Monument. The real name of this church is “Confraternity of the saint name of Jesus and of the holy crucifix” because it was founded by the male religious confraternity of the saint name of Jesus and by the female confraternity of the holy crucifix.
Inside we can see two precious canvases restored in 1991: “St. Teresa d’Avila” (1757) by the painter Mallarini and in the apse “The Crucifixion” by Pietro Cuniberti.
Other works of considerable value include the statue of the “Addolorata” by the sculptor Roascio (1844) and the organ with a baroque case (dated early 1700).